Chili's Brownie Sundae

Chili's Brownie Sundae


1 Pkg. Fudge Chocolate Brownie Mix
1 (14 oz.) Pkg. English Walnuts (coarsely Chopped)
Vanilla Ice Cream
1 Small Jar Fudge Topping
1 Small Jar Maraschino Cherry's
Chili's Brownie Sundae Recipe

Follow the directions on the package of brownie mix for fudge style brownies and add 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts to mix and stir. Pour batter into a pan so the brownies will not be excessively thick. Bake according to directions but do not over bake.

To assemble on your individual serving plate: warm a slice of brownie and place a large round spoon full of vanilla ice cream on top, cover with fudge, place about a tablespoon of walnuts on topping and add a maraschino cherry.
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